TGstories Preview
PrestO Chango GirlO
Spinning the Frisbee on the end of one blunt finger, Gary shot a quick glance at the old oak and elm trees lining the backyard, gauging the wind by the rustling movement of the leaves.
“O-o-okay...” The heavily muscled young man said, grinning. Dressed causally in a pair of ragged cut-off shorts and a well-deserved muscle shirt, Gary’s grin contrasted sharply against his deeply tanned skin and his sandy brown-blond crewcut hair as he called enthusiastically out to his friend. “Wha-wha-watch this one, Juh-Juh-Jay!”
Swinging his hand around in fast, tight circles, the amazingly broad young man increased the spin on the plastic disk - then, with a quick flick of one thick wrist, he sent the Frisbee scything out in a long, broad arc, running dangerously near the brush-covered slope of the ridge that formed the east edge of the property line before it’s rotational component caused it to arc back towards middle.
Jason Fairfields, standing near the back edge of the lot, watched the spinning red disk finish it’s wide curve and swoop back towards him with nearly eerie precision. Behind the slightly rose-tinted round ‘granny’ glasses that, along with the scraggly beard and the matching dark-brown ponytail of hair, went with the ‘hippie’ look he affected, his dark eyes narrowed in concentration as he reached out one bony hand to grab the Frisbee...
...when a sudden gust of wind kicked up from the south, sending the disc into the tree-line behind him.
“Duh-duh-duh-damn!” Gary swore, watching the red plastic vanish into the interlocking boughs of the old-growth forest that practically surrounded Jason’s new house. “Suh-Sorry!”
“Not your fault, buddy!” The tall, lean young brunet called back, turning to peer into the woods. “I’ll go find it. You grab us a couple of cold brewskis, ‘kay?”
“Shu-sure thing, Juh-Jay!” Gary called back, as his lanky, awkward-looking friend headed towards the trees. Conscious, as always, of his fairly fine-boned and angular body, Jason was dressed in jeans and a baggy, long-sleeved tye-died shirt, much better suited for avoiding scrapes and scratches in the woods then his friends skimpier attire.
As Jason’s form disappeared into the trees, Gary turned and headed into the house that they’d just finished moving Jason into. While not exactly a palace, the wood-framed old house in the woods at the edge of town was Jason’s, free and clear, bought with carefully saved money from Jason’s job as a free-lance writer.
No mean feat for a twenty-four year old man, and far more then Gary, with his ‘career’ doing heavy-lifting ‘Joe jobs’ like construction, could claim - except that Gary didn’t really think like that. After all, he and Jason were best friends, and had been since they’d paired up against the ever-present bullies in high-school, where he’d been considerably less muscular, just another kid with a stutter, and Jason had been mercilessly teased about his ‘girlish’ looks.
Now, they were the best of friends, and what one had, the other had - so, despite the fact that Jason owned this house, and Gary was renting an apartment near what downtown their small Kentucky town could claim, both were shared residences.
Now, grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge, Gary headed back out towards the back-yard, where they’d been fooling around after a dinner cocked on the barbecue. Pushing open the wood-framed screen door, Gary stepped out onto the slightly sagging back porch, quickly catching sight of his tall friend striding across the somewhat unkempt lawn in the reddening light of the late afternoon sun.
Though he carried the Frisbee in his left hand, hanging by his side, Jason’s attention was focused on something he was holding near his face in his right.
“Fi-fi-find s-something...?’ Gary called, spinning the top off his beer and collapsing onto one of the white plastic chairs on the back porch.
“Yeah...” Jason said, nearing the back porch. “Some sort of... medallion, or something...”
Climbing onto the porch, the slender young man walked over and dropped into the chair beside Gary - causing considerably less of a ‘thump’ then his shorter, but considerably more massive, friend. Tossing the Frisbee aside, Jason gratefully traded the metal disk for a cold beer.
Looking at what he now held in his hand, Gary frowned and slowly turned the dark, almost pewter-colored object over in his hands. About the same diameter of a pop-can, and about a half-inch deep, the dark metal object had a strange raised design that was mirrored on either side - except for the ‘writing’.
It wasn’t writing, not as Gary recognized it, but he didn’t know what else to dub the strange-looking symbols. On one side of the small disk, the symbols were sharp-edged, angular - but on the other side, the symbols, while retaining the same basic shapes, were smooth and flowing.
“Wha-what-what do you th-think it is...?” Gary asked, taking another pull on his beer.
“Dunno.” Jason replied, with a shrug of his narrow shoulders. “Thing is... I think it might be silver. Tarnished badly - but silver.”
“N-n-no shit?” Gary said, surprised. “It m-m-m-might be w-w-worth some m-m-money, then.”
“Yeah - if it is silver...” Jason said.
Putting the beer down on the planking beside his chair, Gary cupped the object in his left hand, then began vigorously running his thick thumb in a tight, circular motion over a spot on the exposed face of the object...
...and then he twitched a gasp.
“Damn th-th-thing gave me a sh-shock...” Gary said, shaking his right hand loosely in the air...
...and then he gasped again, louder - as he began to change.
“Gary?” Jason said, jerking halfway out of his seat. “Gary, what’s wrong...?”
Gary didn’t answer - as he shivered violently.
He wasn’t in any pain - but what he was feeling was decidedly strange.
It was equally strange to watch. Dark eyes nearly bugging out behind his glasses, Jason could only gape like a landed fish as he watched the not-inconsiderable body-hair slough off the heavy muscles of Gary’s arms and legs.
Muscles that were becoming somewhat smoother, more softly contoured in a... a feminine way, they both realized at the same second, with shock.
Less then ten seconds after getting ‘zapped’, Gary had finished changing.
One broad hand slapped quickly to the denim covering the crotch - and Gary’s eyes widened even further behind longer lashes.
“I-I-I’m a wo-wo-wo...” Gary stuttered in a deep, husky, but undeniable female voice. “A wo-wo-wo... a girl!”
Making an inarticulate sound, Jason stared at his feminized friend. Then, blinking, he shook his head sharply.
“The medallion!” Jason shouted. “Rub it again!”
Catching on, the muscular new woman nodded, then quickly began rubbing the same spot with a slightly smoother thumb now tipped with a somewhat longer nail.
“Nuh-nuh-nothing’s h-h-happening!” Gary shouted, frantically, in that husky new voice.
“The other side!” Jason said, urgently. “Try the other side!”
Flipping the medallion over, Gary began to polish the side with the angular symbols - then gasped in relief as the strange tingling shock ran through his female body.
Seconds later, Gary slumped back in his seat and thrust the medallion away from him in a convulsive gesture. Though all his body hair was still gone, laying in a fine drift at his feet, his masculinity was restored, and he clapped both hands over the reassuring bulge in his crotch, trying to convince himself that he was okay...