TGstories - Our Story! is the
longest running premium TG fiction on the internet.
Created in 1997, it has been our goal to provide
the best in tgfiction, tgcomics and tgstories.
With 100 of authors, and over 5000 stories, our content is all original, and can ONLY be found here!
Please join today and see why TGstories provides the best TG themed content on the internet.
Abuse Policy: TGstories/Internet Resources strictly enforces copyright laws. We also do not allow illegal content, or the use of any person's likeness without their written permission. We will promptly remove any content violates standards. Please email any abuse to the address below. You will receive a replay within 7 working days.
With 100 of authors, and over 5000 stories, our content is all original, and can ONLY be found here!
Please join today and see why TGstories provides the best TG themed content on the internet.
Abuse Policy: TGstories/Internet Resources strictly enforces copyright laws. We also do not allow illegal content, or the use of any person's likeness without their written permission. We will promptly remove any content violates standards. Please email any abuse to the address below. You will receive a replay within 7 working days.
TGstories/Internet Resources
2554 Lincoln Blvd #585
Venice CA 90291
Email: [email protected]